
Sprint retrospective 3

Here in sprint 3, things seemed to have progressed smoothly with the project in that we have finished most of what we have added in the product log although there were some areas of difficulty. The cohesion of the group has improved with better communication on what is to be done and the planning together…

Apprenticeship patterns – Dig Deeper

This apprenticeship pattern is all about expanding your knowledge about the tools you use and that if you find yourself in a situation where you are facing problems on the applications and different utilities that you have picked up over time has started to become a burden. This can be due to you using an…

Apprenticeship patterns – Kindred spirits

The pattern I have chosen today is one about kindred spirits which is when one finds themselves in an unfavorable situation regarding the workplace they reside in or the kind of organization they work for, they should seek some sort of help from someone else. That someone else should be a mentor to you, someone…

Sprint 2 Retrospective

Now for sprint 2, much has changed in which the direction, work, communication and more has changed from the previous sprint. There seems to be more communication and a better direction of where we are going and a more complete vision based on the project. There are still questions on what to do and where…

Apprenticeship patterns – Practice, Practice, Practice

Now the pattern we are going over is a very important one in which you have probably down before and have been doing for most of your life in which it is practicing. The time put into practicing something is vital in learning on how it works and gaining experience. Although this can be hard…

Apprenticeship Patterns – Nurture Your Passion

For this blog post, I have chosen the “Nurture Your Passion” pattern in which this pattern talks about how one should keep their passion for whatever they are doing secure from the inevitable draining activities that will harm your passion. When one progresses into their career, the circumstances will change and the activities you used…

Breakable toys – Apprenticeship patterns

The apprenticeship pattern I have chosen this week is the “breakable toys’ pattern which was very interesting to me. The pattern was about failure and how it is usually the best way to learn. There is a problem however when the place we are working in does not tolerate any failure and any such occurrence…

Apprenticeship pattern: Being the Worst

The pattern I have chosen this week is the pattern about being the worst. This pattern is all about the situation you are in and the mentality you have. The idea is that you shouldn’t find yourself in a position where your learning is stagnated due to how good your team and that you don’t…

Sprint Retrospective – Sprint 1

This first sprint could have went better but it is to be expected as it is the first time for most people to work like this. There group so far seems to have congealed well and can communicate well with each other. We were able to obtain the necessary information for helping build the project…

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

The book Apprenticeship Patterns from what I have read so far seems to be a good insightful resource to read for college students like me still early on our learning experience through software development. I have noticed a few things from the reading that were common throughout the chapters or were interesting such as with…


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